“Become an ocean”

The Art of Absorption and Patience

Faizan Khan
2 min read1 day ago


Photo by Joel Vodell on Unsplash

“Have you ever seen the ocean?”

It is so vast that people are impressed by it,

and come to see it from afar.

People go into the sea and feel good.

Do you know why?

Because there is greatness in it;

it has the strength to bear everything in its depths.

It does not complain to anyone;

It absorbs even the smallest things inside itself

and refreshes from the outside. It makes people fall on its side.

Do you know why?

Because it is broad; it does not grow in passion.

Listen, become deep like the ocean,

and learn to absorb the darkness within you.

I will tell you the secret of becoming an ocean:

Learn to endure.

Make patience and persistence your motto.

Cry in front of God;

Nature will not let you cry in front of creatures.

Start listening to people and tell your story.

Do you know why it is important to do this?

Because we have come from the sky with the label of noble creatures.

Become an ocean.

Do you know what happens when you become an ocean?

The deeper you are, the more attractive death will be.

When we no longer have to live, why not?

Become an ocean and embrace that depth.

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All Rights Reserved, 18 September 2024 — Faizan Khan



Faizan Khan

"Passionate about content writing. With a mass communication degree in hand, I'm on a mission to create meaningful stories and content."